January 17, 2022

3 Tips On How To Write Your Job Application Email (With Examples)

There are many ways to apply for a job nowadays. We’re sure you already know by now that usually, all you need to do is to click ‘submit job application’ through an online hiring platform. 

Now, what makes an email so important in this process? In general, a job application email’s goal is to show your hiring manager that you’re a good fit for their opening position. The email will highlight any experience, talents, and skills you have relevant to the job. In other words, a job application email is more or less like a cover letter. 

If you don’t already know, writing a job application email even after applying through an online hiring platform will let the hiring manager know that you’re keen to work with them. That email also serves as the first impression you provide to the hiring managers.

Hence, it’s important to ensure that it is written in a professional manner and without any grammatical errors. Writing a well-crafted application email will most likely increase your chances of being shortlisted as their potential candidate. 

How To Apply For Jobs Via Email?

1) Include a cover letter

If you’re serious about getting the job, a cover letter is often necessary. Cover letters are basically pamphlets to sell yourself to potential employers, explaining why you’re the best candidate for the role. A job application email only briefly describes your relevant experience and skills, while an effective cover letter fully describes your experience and skills with relevant examples. 

2) Include a resume

As always, a resume is often necessary when you’re applying for a job. That’s because aside from highlighting the experience and skills you’ve already mentioned in your application email, a resume further displays some other top qualities, including the soft and hard skills you have. Having a resume will help your employers make better hiring decisions, and not sending one might just show that you’re disinterested, and reflect unprofessionalism in your email. 

3) Write your email application with the best structure
  • Email subject line

A good subject line is important when sending an application email because it will help your hiring manager decide if they should open or ignore your email. Since hiring managers probably receive tonnes of emails and applications on a daily basis, it’s best to use a short subject line that’s straight to the point to make their job easier.  

  • Opening line

In the opening line of your email, it’s essential for you to explain who you are, the position you’re interested in applying for, and how you came about the job position. Mentioning all these details allows your hiring managers to understand the purpose of your email, and it also gives them the data about how you found out about the job, which may be beneficial for them. 

  • Body

As for the body paragraph, you should highlight and pitch to the hiring manager why you’re the best possible candidate for the role in their company. If you haven’t got the slightest idea on how to start your writing, try to answer these questions below to kick start your paragraph:

– What is the hiring manager looking for in a candidate?
– What values can you offer to the company?
– What are the most relevant jobs and responsibilities you’ve had in this role?

It will also help if you check out the role’s job description and tailor your job application email according to the description. However, make sure you do not copy or include any part of your resume and cover letter directly onto your application email.

  • Ending

In the ending paragraph, it would be nice if you took the opportunity to thank the hiring manager for taking the time to read your email. It would be best if you also mentioned that your resume and cover letter are attached in the email. Upon ending the paragraph, it’s best to ask how long the application process will take as well as state when and how you will follow up with them. 

  • Important notes

Last but not least, you should include your email signature, along with your contact details such as your number and email address, in which they could contact you with ease. 

Here Are Some Examples of Job Application Emails

Example 1 (Software engineering position in a start-up company)

Subject: Application for a Software Engineer Position

Dear [hiring manager’s name],

Greetings. My name is [your name], and I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing this to apply for the software engineer position at [company name], which you have posted on [where you saw the job opening position].

I have [number of years] of software development experience, and I specialise in [hard skills that you have] in [your current/past company]. As their software engineer, I have undertaken and completed 4 software projects, and as shown in my resume, the most notable campaign that I’ve managed is [your most successful project]. I’ve also worked as a marketing leader for the application, in which I’ve successfully helped gain 60,000 users.

I would be honoured if I could help contribute to your start-up in shaping your vision and mission in the software development industry.

The attached files include my resume and cover letter. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me via email or mobile at [your mobile number].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you again!

Best regards[Your name]

Example 2 (Digital marketing position in a unicorn company)

Subject: Application for a Digital Marketing Position

Dear [hiring manager’s name],

Greetings. My name is [your name], and I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing this to apply for the digital marketing position at [company name] you have posted on [where you saw the job opening position].

As shown in my resume, I’m a journalist-turned-digital marketer specialising in online content creation, video production, content distribution, and copywriting. I’ve led and supervised many successful marketing campaigns under [your current/past company]. I also demonstrate excellent creativity in my videos and articles production, as can be seen here [provide some links or portfolio if possible].

With my experience, skills, and expertise in digital media and marketing, I’m confident that I can help grow the [company name] ’s readership and media engagement rate.

The attached files include my resume, cover letter and portfolio. If you require more information, do not hesitate to contact me via email or mobile at [your mobile number].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you again!

Best regards[Your name]

All You Need To Do Now Is Press 'Send'!

Ready to blast that carefully crafted email out to all the potential employers, and let your words do the talking into securing an interview for you? Just don't forget to be as prepared as possible for the actual session itself, by researching as much about the company and the job scope as possible, in addition to learning the 5 Tips On How To Introduce Yourself, While Dazzling Your Interviewer!

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