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In today's fast-paced business environment, staying ahead of the curve in talent management and recruitment strategies is crucial for organizational success. The challenge of finding and retaining top-tier executive talent, while balancing financial constraints, is a puzzle many companies are eager to solve. If you find yourself navigating these complex waters, seeking innovative solutions to enhance your leadership team without overspending, we have something that might just change the game for you.

Introducing our latest eBook: "Fractional Hiring: Revolutionising Executive Roles in Contemporary Organisations". This isn't just any resource; it's a comprehensive exploration into the transformative world of fractional executive hiring:

If you're ready to redefine how your business approaches executive talent and leadership development, our eBook is an essential read. Arm yourself with the knowledge and strategies to not only navigate the complexities of modern hiring but to thrive in doing so. The future of executive hiring is fractional, flexible, and financially savvy – and it's all within your reach.

Download our eBook today and embark on a journey to transform your talent management approach for an era of business agility and innovation. The blueprint for a more dynamic and cost-effective leadership model is just a download away.

Navigating the intricate world of HR budgeting can often feel like walking through a maze. With ever-evolving industry standards, ensuring that every cent is allocated wisely can be overwhelming. If you've been scratching your head over where your HR expenses are heading, it might be time for a fresh perspective.

Introducing our latest HR Budget Blueprint eBook – a comprehensive guide crafted for HR professionals, by HR professionals. This isn’t just another eBook; it's a deep dive into HR budgeting essentials:

So, if you're ready to transform your HR budgeting approach, give our eBook a read. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to optimize your HR financial strategy for the year ahead. The path to a streamlined HR budget is just a download away.

Download the FREE resource now!

In the dynamic realm of recruitment, where industries continuously evolve and candidate expectations shift, hiring professionals constantly grapple with the challenge of staying updated and pertinent. Amidst this backdrop, the job interview emerges as a pivotal procedure. Employers rely on it to not only verify the proficiencies claimed in candidates' resumes but also gauge skills, personality traits, and communication abilities. More than a mere skill assessment, interviews offer insights into whether a candidate's aspirations and values resonate with the company's ethos. Recognising the sheer importance of this process, we have meticulously curated our newest eBook. This isn't just a resource; it's a blueprint, offering clarity and direction for modern-day hiring success. From strategies and case studies to innovative approaches, our guide is designed to empower you in the intricate journey of recruitment.

A Deeper Dive Into the eBook's Core

Our eBook is structured to guide you seamlessly through the recruitment process, ensuring no stone is left unturned:

Why This eBook is a Must-Read

Recruitment is not just about filling a vacancy; it's about bringing in talent that aligns with the company's ethos and can propel the organisation forward. Our eBook is designed to serve as a handy tool for both novice recruiters and seasoned hiring managers. It offers a cohesive understanding of the contemporary recruitment landscape, ensuring that every hire is a step in the right direction. Download your copy now!

Finding the perfect leaders for your organisation's C-suite is a demanding endeavour, one that holds immense importance in shaping the future success and stability of your business. Assembling a compatible executive team requires careful consideration of various factors, including skills, experience, cultural fit, and alignment with your organisation's vision. However, navigating these complexities can often feel like deciphering a complex puzzle.

The task of C-level recruitment poses formidable challenges, but fear not — we have created just the right comprehensive guide to help you complete the puzzle. This invaluable resource serves as a compass, providing practical solutions and expert insights to streamline your executive hiring process.

Within the pages of our comprehensive whitepaper, we delve deep into the full process of sourcing, screening, and interviewing the best C-suite candidates:

  1. Defining recruitment process that involves few extra steps
  2. How and where to find top C-suite talent
  3. How to evaluate and measure C-suite talent competency
  4. Typical interview questions for C-suite talent
  5. Should you consider engaging an executive recruiter

Our comprehensive guide is meticulously crafted to address the unique challenges faced by organisations like yours, equipping you with the tools and knowledge necessary to make informed decisions. Don't miss this opportunity to gain a competitive edge in C-level recruitment. Download our FREE resource today and unlock the secrets to building a compatible C-suite that will shape the future of your organisation.

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The recruitment process poses various challenges for recruiters and hiring managers. These challenges include the time-consuming nature of sourcing and screening candidates, as well as the high competition to attract and secure top talent. Lengthy time-to-hire can also result in candidates losing interest or accepting offers from other companies, impacting the candidate experience and employer brand. Unconscious bias and the need for diversity, along with the existence of skill gaps and the costs associated with recruitment, further compound the challenges faced by organisations. 

To address these challenges, innovative solutions are necessary. Utilising technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and automation can streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance the candidate experience. 

How AI Helps Recruitment

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in the recruitment industry, revolutionising the way organisations attract, assess, and hire talent. With its advanced capabilities, AI offers a range of benefits that enhance efficiency, accuracy, and candidate experience throughout the recruitment process. 

Reduce the time and effort spent on manual tasks

AI-powered algorithms can automate the initial stages of candidate sourcing and screening by analysing resumes, job descriptions, and relevant data to identify the most qualified candidates. This saves recruiters from the daunting task of manually reviewing countless applications. 

Improve efficiency to the recruitment process

With the ability to process vast amounts of data at a rapid pace, AI algorithms can assess candidate qualifications, skills, and experience more accurately. By leveraging natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, AI systems can understand and interpret resumes and other documents with remarkable precision. This not only minimises human error but also enhances the overall quality and efficiency of candidate evaluation. 

Enhances the candidate experience

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can engage with candidates in real-time, providing instant responses to inquiries, scheduling interviews, and delivering personalised updates. This interactive and responsive communication creates a positive impression of the organisation and ensures that candidates feel valued and engaged throughout the hiring process. 

AI Applications in Recruitment

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionising the way organisations approach talent acquisition. With its advanced capabilities in data analysis, natural language processing, and machine learning, AI has paved the way for innovative applications in various stages of the recruitment process. From candidate sourcing and resume screening to skill assessment and candidate engagement, AI-powered tools and algorithms have proven to be invaluable in streamlining workflows, improving efficiency, and enhancing the overall recruitment experience. 

Candidate Sourcing

AI-powered tools can efficiently search and analyse vast amounts of data from various online platforms, social media profiles, and professional networks to identify potential candidates who match specific criteria. 

Resume Screening

AI-driven systems can automate the screening of resumes by using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms. These tools can extract relevant information, assess qualifications, and match candidates to job requirements, speeding up the initial evaluation process and ensuring that recruiters focus on the most promising candidates. 

Skill Assessment

AI technologies can objectively assess candidate skills and qualifications by analysing multiple data points, including resumes, application responses, and online profiles. Advanced algorithms can evaluate technical skills, cognitive abilities, and behavioural traits, providing recruiters with valuable insights into candidate suitability and potential. 

Candidate Engagement

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can engage with candidates in real-time, providing instant responses to queries, scheduling interviews, and delivering personalised updates. These interactive tools enhance candidate engagement, improve response times, and create a positive impression of the organisation. 

Background Checking

AI helps automating data collection and analysis, allowing recruiters to efficiently process large volumes of information and identify potential red flags or discrepancies. It helps mitigate bias by focusing on objective criteria and provides a more comprehensive assessment of a candidate's background.

Reference Checking

AI can help to analyse reference responses and extract key insights, quickly identify patterns, sentiment, and relevant information from reference check conversations or written feedback. AI can also help automate the collection of reference data, ensuring a more efficient and standardised approach to the process.

Onboarding and Employee Experience

AI can also play a significant role in the onboarding process by offering personalised training materials, addressing employee inquiries, and ensuring a seamless transition for new hires. With AI-powered tools, organisations can provide ongoing support to employees, offering personalised development suggestions and cultivating a positive employee experience. 

Challenges of AI in Recruitment

A recent research found that 79% of employers use AI or automation for recruitment and hiring. Despite the optimistic outlook on AI's impact, concerns and challenges surrounding its implementation persist. It is crucial to acknowledge and address these challenges to ensure the responsible and effective use of AI in recruitment. 

Mitigating Bias

To achieve this, it is crucial to provide clean and unbiased data for AI-powered tools. Organisations should carefully select and feed in data that is free from unconscious biases to prevent the algorithms from learning and perpetuating biassed decisions. Continuous monitoring and auditing of the AI algorithms can help identify and rectify any potential biases that may arise. 

Understanding Candidates

AI algorithms may face difficulties in understanding candidates, especially when analysing resumes or engaging with them through chatbots. To overcome this challenge, providing candidates with options to select or interact with buttons can help the AI chatbot better understand their preferences and needs. Additionally, candidates with specific requests should be connected with human recruiters to ensure effective communication and a positive candidate experience. 

Complementing Human Decision-Making

AI should be viewed as a tool to aid recruiters, not replace them. Human recruiters possess gut instincts and subjective judgement that AI lacks. It is important to maintain a balance where AI is used as a supportive tool alongside human decision-making to leverage the benefits of both approaches in the recruitment process.

Data Availability and Updates

AI algorithms require a significant amount of good quality data to operate effectively. Collecting and preparing the data can be time-consuming, and organisations must stay updated with changing trends and language in the job market. Regularly updating the AI technology and providing the algorithm with relevant and up-to-date data is essential for achieving accurate and reliable results. 

Understanding Limitations

Like any tool, AI software has its limitations. When choosing an AI recruiting solution, organisations should carefully evaluate its capabilities and consider whether it aligns with their specific needs and improves the overall candidate experience. Being aware of these limitations and seeking solutions that offer comprehensive features can help optimise the recruiting process.

GRIT - AI driven Recruitment Platform

There are countless AI recruitment tools in the market, each enabling employers to easily navigate candidate sourcing, screening, assessment, interviews, and more. There’s one particular tool that stands out — GRIT. GRIT helps employers to solve the biggest puzzle in the recruitment world — candidate sourcing & screening. 

GRIT works at the top of the funnel, which is also the most challenging part of the recruitment process, where GRIT automatically source, curate and qualify the candidates to be interview ready. Moreover, our in-house talent advocates are also involved to remove bias and take the hassle out of hiring by managing end-to-end recruitment life cycle.

Instead of spending months and thousands of dollars to hire, GRIT has consistently been able to help employers to hire in just 3 weeks, at only US$999 per role. On top of that, there’s a risk free plan where you only need to pay when you decide to interview the candidates! Sign up now and experience the power of AI hiring. 

Embracing AI for Recruitment Success 

AI in recruitment holds transformative potential and plays a crucial role in shaping the future of talent acquisition. By adopting AI technologies, organisations can overcome traditional challenges, streamline processes, and enhance the efficiency of their hiring practices. From automating candidate sourcing and screening to improving candidate engagement and making data-driven decisions, AI offers numerous benefits that revolutionise recruitment. 

Embracing AI enables companies to stay competitive and optimise their strategies, ultimately leading to the identification of the most suitable candidates and the formation of high-performing teams. It's time to embrace AI and leverage its capabilities to enhance recruitment practices and drive success in the ever-evolving talent landscape.

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Hiring and retaining competent and talented employees has been a top priority for any human resource department (HR) in an organisation. Hiring and retaining employees are two sides of the same coin; though you may be able to hire competent and talented employees,  retaining them is a different matter to tackle. 

To encourage employees to remain in an organisation, HR utilises one of its professional arsenals; an attractive compensation package that employees will find hard to refuse. According to research published by PWC Global, Hopes and Fears 2022, 71% of employees opinionated that the most important factor in a workplace is compensation and workplace benefits.

However, before you determine what compensation packages to offer, it is important to understand the definition and objectives of compensation.

What is Employee Compensation 

The technical definition of employee compensation refers to the monetary payment provided in exchange for services provided by employees or hired hands. This includes salary in addition to any other incentives or perks that come along with the job or position.

Compensation Objectives

When planning for employees’ compensation, you must first understand and decide the objectives for your employees' compensation — the purpose of it. This is so that your compensation is aligned with your intention and employees’ best interests. 

In addition, there are four questions that you should consider and ask yourself when designing a fair compensation strategy:

6 Questions to Help Drive Your Compensation Philosophy

1) What Counts As Compensation For Your Company?

The first question you need to ask yourself is, what counts as compensation in your company? This is because compensation is more than just providing monetary payment to your employees — it can be the ability to remote work, a hybrid work schedule, medical treatment coverage, or any other non-monetary benefits.

This combination of rewards and benefits is called employee total compensation (TC), offering both monetary and non-monetary rewards and benefits to employees in a company. The employee total reward is provided in addition to gross pay, it can include traditional benefits (medical and healthcare), voluntary benefits, retirement plans, vacation time, pensions, stock options or even equity.  

To find out which rewards resonate well with your employees, conduct a company-wide survey to find out what are your employees' preferences for the employee total reward packages. As for the survey timing, it can be conducted six months before the enrollment period — this will provide you with ample time to evaluate and organise new offerings.  

Utilise Total Reward Statement

Most companies’ HR view such offerings as a part of the compensation package because they are informed of the associated cost. The hiring cost of a new employee goes beyond their salary; benefits and other compensation such as equity should be considered. 

So when employees do not know about the costs like these, they will feel less inclined to view their compensation as competitive. This is when your company’s HR should share the employee's total reward statement. The total reward statement is an itemised one-pagers that will highlight all the benefits you are compensating your employees — in dollars, euros or pounds. The companies that provide employees’ total reward statements do so at least once a year. 

They will typically list out the combined compensation made of monetary and non-monetary rewards given to the employees. For example: 

• Salary

• Bonuses

• Commission

• Retirement benefits

• Stock options

• Paid time off

• Profit-sharing

• Employer-paid premiums for health, vision, and dental insurance

• Stipends

• Disability and life insurance

• Employer-paid Social Security and Medicare taxes

3) How Should You Structure Salary Band

Salary or pay band refers to the minimum and maximum amounts a company is willing to compensate employees based on their job levels. For example, if job levels help you to set up a career path hierarchy for employees, salary banding serves a similar purpose as compensation.  

For example, a Level 1 Designer at your company will be eligible to earn $50,000 to $70,000. While a Level 4 Designer, like an Associate Design Director, will be eligible to earn $100,000 to $130,000. These salary bands help define and communicate with employees and will allow them to understand their earning potential and how much their future promotion can provide. 

The Benefits of Salary Band

A salary band like this serves an important purpose in your company’s compensation strategy. From a financial point of view, salary bands are vital for budgeting. This is because, without salary bands, your company will not be able to forecast overhead costs, plan a growth strategy or plan rewards for performing employees without risking your company’s financial health. 

However, salary bands also serve an additional purpose. Salary bands are also used to facilitate your employees’ career development and pay conversations based on competencies and job levels.

In addition, and just as important, providing minimum-maximum salary ranges can help clear the ambiguity surrounding employees’ pay and help the HR team to identify and prevent pay disparities. 

How to Structure Salary Band

There should be several factors that influence your company’s salary bands, such as role expectations, education, experience and geography — all of which need to be backed by market research. There are also broader economic factors that should be influencing your company’s salary bands; inflation or cost of living  — both impact a job’s market rates. 

Besides the market rates and geography, you will want to take a look at each role’s skills and influence. Though it is typically assumed leadership roles warrant a higher salary than those in contributor positions, it is not always the case. For example, having a competent junior employee with high-in-demand skills that tangibly affect your business — warrants a salary that outearns managers in other departments.

Also, it is advisable to have a degree of flexibility in your salary band structure. For example, a Level 2 employee deserves recognition and promotion but is not quite ready yet. Their manager can instead reward an increase on par or similar to the next level starting salary because the salary band overlaps. 

3) Should You Consider Performance?

For the compensation model with merit cycles, where employees receive pay raises based on past performance. Such a compensation model is common, especially for sales roles. But it also can be divisive because some of the leading HR professionals believe that such a compensation model might hinder conversations related to growth and performance.

However, despite such beliefs, performance-based compensation models are growing increasingly popular among companies. In addition, according to a study's key finding, linking pay to performance or performance-based compensation increases employees' productivity and raises job satisfaction level.   

What Are The Benefits of Linking Performance and Compensation?

Compensation is a very powerful motivator for employees, there’s no denying that. An attractive compensation will likely convince employees to continue providing their skills and talents to the company they’re working for. However, must bear in mind that compensation is not a sure and definite method to retain competent and talented employees. 

As mentioned above, respectful treatment at the workplace is what most employees consider the most important. So, even if your company does an attractive compensation package but you’re not treating the employees with respect, employees will leave. 

A study has shown that strongly linking attractive compensation with performance lead to greater employee satisfaction, trust in leadership and better motivation. The same study also showed a weak relationship between compensation (reward) and performance can be detrimental to employees' motivation.

Strongly linking compensation and performance will provide a tangible way for employees to see the benefits or improvements they bring to your company.

Structuring Pay For Performance

Performance-based compensation may be gaining popularity, but a majority of employers do not disclose it works to their employees. This lack of transparency will cause employees to feel frustrated. Hence, employers should provide a clear rationale to employees why they’re doing so.

In practice, a member of the HR team will need to announce and outline your company’s approach to merit increases during a company-wide meeting.  Due to the personal nature of compensation, invite employees to anonymous questions before the company-wide meeting session and do a follow-up via email with clarifying points.

Planning to be clear about pay-for-performance also means equipping managers with talking points they need to field questions from direct reports during performance discussions. 

There some critics claim that the pay-for-performance compensation model can distract employees from having meaningful performance conversations. Employers may counter this by limiting merit increases to specific quarters so they won’t overlap with performance reviews. In addition, separating the two will help provide time for employees and managers to process and evaluate how they have performed against the job competencies that your company has outlined. 

Your company managers will require those contexts when deciding whether to approve a higher or lower increase.

4. How Transparent You Should Be Regarding Compensation

One of the common complaints employees would make about compensation packages is that their employer doesn’t fully disclose it to them. However, the complaints are not necessarily about numbers, but more about how they do not understand how the pay increase gets determined. This makes disclosing and helping employees understand the calculus behind pay decisions a prerequisite to building trust in the process and believing that it is equitable. Simply put,  “lack of transparency” is one of the main complaints often voiced by employees.

However, this is not limited just to individual contributor employees, but also the HR team. Their opinion is that most managers are not equipped for pay transparency conversations with their employees. 

This is where pay transparency comes into play. Pay transparency is an approach companies take when communicating and conveying their compensation philosophies to employees. As we have mentioned before, employees do not necessarily want to know how much pay their peer earn, but this might be a favoured and good approach in some companies.

To help you understand pay transparency; pay transparency fall on a spectrum ranging from a very open model to a very closed one. 

Identifying and Determining The Level of Transparency

The current trend for the level of transparency is leaning towards more, not less transparency. Because even with a modest level of transparency; if it is still able to help employees understand how salary bands work and what factors influence when determining pay, they will be more inclined to trust the process. 

Though a full or modest level of transparency might not work and be suitable for some companies, especially companies without a fully developed compensation strategy and system. This is because full transparency or even modest transparency made in front of the company will expose discrepancies in pay and compensation. The discrepancies however commonly originated from legitimate sources and reasons such as years of tenure, geography, or educational background. 

The most important component in pay transparency conversations is communication. An HR team should reiterate their company’s compensation philosophies, including their approach to transparency, to employees — company-wide, during an advance performance review or upcoming compensation cycles. 

A more practical level of transparency; might involve employees knowing and understanding their current pay band’s range and the one directly above them. This model of transparency will allow employees to understand their role’s potential earnings, and provide them with a realistic set of expectations during compensation conversations. This would be valuable information for the report’s manager to have since they will be coaching the employees. 

5. Compensation Strategies Drive Equity

In People strategy, the word “trust the process” carries additional meaning. Performance management is the best example here. A survey showed some companies exhibit gender, racial and religious bias;  about 50% of female employees experience gender discrimination and 22% of female employees experience racial or religious discrimination at their workplace — hence cutting them off from proper compensation such as adequate maternity leave. 

This happened because of the lack of formal review processes in some companies. Without the proper system, managers will fall back and rely on their “gut feeling” when making decisions for roles and compensations for their employees. Having proper compensation, performance and merit increase policies will provide your company with a headstart in the fight to pay for equity.

Additionally, salary bands will reinforce your commitment to pay equity in more obvious ways. HR and finance teams won’t be able to have a stopgap in place — to protect against out-of-control disparities, without minimum and maximum salary ranges assigned to each role. For example, a situation where there are two employees with the same role, but one of them earns more than the other without clear factors and reasonings. Such a gap could be from deliberate or unconscious bias, however, it could also result from less nefarious reasons — an inexperienced manager recommending more generous merit to increase their team.  In either case, salary bands will be able to provide clear guidelines to follow, providing managers with a degree of flexibility when determining salary. 

However, salary bands do not help in countering biases that can cloud and impair evaluations and future promotions. So if your company is planning to opt for linking performance and compensation, it is advisable to root out inequities during reviews. 

One of the most helpful and impactful steps is to incorporate performance adjustments into your review cycles; where managers will come together for a discussion moderated by HR to discuss their reports’ performance rating. Since each manager will have different opinions and interpretations of what constitutes good or bad ratings, these discussions will help managers to go over these differences by requesting managers justify and explain their thought process and finally have everyone on the same page so that everyone will follow the same standard.

6. How Does Compensation Integrate With Your Existing Programmes?

Compensation is important in how you attract and retain employees, but compensation is only of several pillars. Other pillars are just as important and where compensation can be integrated into; performance reviews, engagement surveys, check-ins,  and development conversations. 

However, getting all the mentioned programmes to work together in harmony will require a thoughtful and timely approach and execution. For example, your company arranges and schedules performance reviews and compensation decisions in alternating quarters. This is to avoid self-growth conversations with employees from getting sidetracked. Such an approach also will provide employees and managers with time to prepare and set growth plans and deliver them in time for promotion or merit increase. 

Additionally, you can run engagement and pulse surveys year-round to provide you with insights into your total rewards strategy and whether you’re meeting employees' expectations. One crucial point to remember is that although your compensation is structured, it is not fixed and should have flexibility. Your employees' feedback should and can influence your compensation structure over time. 


Compensation isn’t just about numbers, it is a critical and integral part of people management. Your employees will want to be properly rewarded for their efforts and services rendered. 

But not having a proper structure or tools in place for compensation, it will be easy for your employees to feel demotivated and lose faith. Furthermore, companies without solid and proper compensation philosophies will struggle to come up with answers to key employee questions. Unclear compensation philosophies can breed distrust, suspicion of bias, disengagement and ultimately turnover. 

So it is important to take a holistic approach to engagement, performance management and development and properly integrate compensation philosophies into them to create a thriving workplace. 

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With online connectivity becoming more stable, smoother and efficient, long-distance communication is no longer an issue. This fact affects how businesses work nowadays; the old ways are slowly disappearing — the ship is sailing away, and the train is leaving the station. What sparked this change was the Covid-19 pandemic. When the pandemic swept across the world, businesses were forced to switch to and adopt hybrid work schedules to survive and continue operating during the pandemic. With that, employees' found hybrid work schedules are more liberating and offer flexibility since they are longer have to commute and rush for the rigid nine-to-six schedule, and just as efficient, if not more. 

A Buffer report for this year's work-from-home survey found that 98% of employees preferred hybrid work schedules. This is because it allows them to rotate between working from home and working from an office. with 91% perceiving work from home as a positive experience. However, to create an efficient, productive and positive work-from-home experience, there are a few matters you have to observe and set up. To that end, we have prepared a hybrid workplace checklist.

Though employees are returning to the office in droves, hybrid work schedules remain the preferred mode and are becoming the norm for remote-capable roles due to the fact hybrid work schedules can meet both employers' and employees’ needs if done right

Why Should You Adopt Hybrid Work Schedules?

Hybrid work schedules offer agile and flexible work schedules that allow employers and employees to have a work-life balance as well as increased productivity, engagement, burnout mitigation and satisfaction at the workplace. 

In addition to that, hybrid work schedules are also excellent for businesses because they will help reduce office costs, promote diversity, attract new talent and reduce turnover rates.

Long-Term Vision for Hybrid Work Schedules

To ensure hybrid work schedules are executed effectively and their benefits are fully reaped, you will need to have a long-term vision for how to deliver productive, intelligent and agile workplace experiences beyond the office’s walls. 

When planning for hybrid work schedules, you should consider:

Executing Hybrid Work Schedules

1) Addressing Employees’ Concerns 

When transitioning to hybrid work schedules, one of the main considerations is your employees — especially if most of the employees in your company are made of the Boomer generation. 

Baby boomers' reluctance probably stems from their preference to communicate face-to-face instead of online messaging or video calls. Hence the reason why they will need some reassurance and training on how to use collaboration tools before they can feel comfortable and confident working remotely. 

To address such employees’ concerns, when drafting the hybrid policies for your company, make sure to include a sentiment checklist to gauge and address their concerns. The sentiment checklist can include the following examples: 

In the feedback survey, you can include questions such as: 

2) Choosing The Suitable Hybrid Work Schedule for Your Company

There are several different hybrid work schedules that companies may adopt and use, such as remote first, scheduled hybrid and synchronised hybrid. To determine which hybrid work schedule works best for your company: 

Remote First

Employees work in the office for a set number of days per week and work remotely for the rest of the week. 

Scheduled Hybrid

A team of employees will have a reserved desk space in an office. However, employees of the said team still have the flexibility to move between working from home and working in the office. In addition to that, this mode of hybrid work schedules provides an option to set a fixed day to work from home and how many days they are expected to be in the office. For example, it can set that Friday as a work-from day for all employees. 

Synchronised Hybrid

A synchronised hybrid work schedule is where every employee is expected to be in the office with a synchronised schedule. Leaders and managers can track the visibility by using tools such as Google Sheets as a scheduling tool. 

3) Hybrid Work Laws and Policies

Before implementing hybrid work schedules, you will need to figure out the hybrid laws and policies. This can be done by asking yourself the following questions:

On top of that, you also need to think about hybrid policies that will accommodate the new hybrid work schedules plan, such as:

4) Communication Challenges That Might Arise

One of the most prevalent issues for companies that have adopted hybrid work schedules is communication challenges. As an employer, you will need to think of a tool and platform that every employee can access and easily use. 

For example, when you moved both files and communication online, you can use tools such as Slack, Discord or Google Docs to facilitate smooth online communication among employees. 

When there is a need for collaboration, practise hybrid meetings and make them a norm for your company — hybrid meetings can be conducted based on the number of employees involved in the collaboration. You can utilise collaboration tools such as Monday and Zoom to enable optimal collaboration. 

5) Choosing Hybrid Work Schedules Software

To create an efficient and productive hybrid work schedule, you will need to invest in software that is suitable to your company and employees' hybrid work schedules. For example, you may need hot desking software such as Yeastar to prevent overlapping hot desk booking and low remote employees visibility. Collaborative tools such as Monday will allow employees that are in the office and working remotely to collaborate on the same project in real-time. 

6) On-Site Space Management

The core idea of a hybrid workplace is that your employees only come into the office on certain days, while on other days they’ll working from home. However, this can be an issue if your company doesn’t have any space to accommodate the whole team. You can tackle this issue by grouping your employees by project, team or needs;

By rotating the schedule, you will not only be able to provide a fair work schedule but also sufficient workspace when your employees need to collaborate on a project together in the office.

7) Managing Hybrid Work Schedule Rotations  

Since on-site space management is related to hybrid work schedule rotations, you can add a few more steps as a solution that will help both space management and schedule rotation issues. 

8) Design Training and Development Plans for Hybrid Work Place Managers

The hybrid workplace and schedule without a doubt comes with its own set of new challenges that managers have to face. To ensure managers will able to tackle these new challenges effectively, employers will want to provide managers with training and development plans that will equip them with the required skills, such as to facilitate efficient collaboration, effective communication between in-office employees and remote employees, team building and performance management. 

Towards a Hybrid Future

Progressing forward toward a hybrid workplace is no easy task post-pandemic. However, by taking the necessary steps and considering the elements mentioned in this article, you as a manager or leader of a company can move the company’s hybrid workplace towards the right direction. 

Besides that, you also should start aligning the company’s leadership with employees so that everyone can be on the same page regarding what to expect; due date, project time, and many more. 

In addition to aligning understanding, it is also important to assess the current maturity level of your company and employees, which will help you to plot as you move forward with a hybrid workplace and invest in leadership to smoothen future journeys.

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Reference checks are a critical component of the hiring process for many organisations. It aims to gather information about a candidate from people who have worked with or know them well. Reference checks are used to verify the accuracy of a candidate's resume and to gain insight into their work habits, strengths, weaknesses, and overall character. Reference checks questions are carefully crafted to elicit detailed and informative responses that can help employers decide whether a candidate is the right fit for the job.

The goal of the reference check is to confirm that the candidate has been honest in their job application and to see if the applying candidate is indeed suitable for the job and the company. 

Importance of Reference Check 

One of the best ways to avoid bad hires is by conducting reference checks on job applicants. According to Forbes, it is estimated one bad hire can cost a company at least 30% of the employee’s annual salary. Hence why it is imperative to thoroughly review candidates' applications — not everything on paper translates well into practice or is factually correct. 

Besides doing a background check, asking the right reference check questions will help to verify claims and statements made by the candidates in their resumes — thus helping you to make an informed decision. 

In addition to verifying on paper skills and experience, employers also will be able to see whether the candidates’ behaviours and attitudes are the right fit for their company's work culture and environment. If candidates' behaviours and attitudes don’t fit a company's work culture and environment there will be a risk of internal conflict and friction, which will affect a company’s productivity, performance and efficiency.  

The Common Reference Check Questions You Should Know and Ask

The right questions will provide you with answers and help you identify and evaluate candidates better, to see if they fit into your company’s culture and the job position. Below we have listed several questions that you can use as a reference and use when interviewing candidates. 

Introductory Reference Check Questions

Reference Check Questions to Know the Reference

Reference Check Questions to Ask Co-workers

Reference Check Questions to Ask Managers/ Supervisors

Reference Check Questions to Assess Candidate’s Ethics and Behaviours 

Reference Check Questions Assessing Compatibility for the Position

Reference Check Questions Assessing Compatibility for the Company Culture

How to Conduct Reference Check 

The standard procedure for every job interview is that before employers extend a job offer, they will usually conduct a reference check for their top candidates to see if the candidates are suitable for the position and company. 

Below we have listed a few ways for you to utilise the reference check questions we shared in this article in the most professional and effective way:


Reference checks are an essential component of the job hiring process that can help employers make informed decisions about potential candidates. By seeking feedback from previous supervisors or colleagues, employers can gain valuable insights into a candidate's work habits, strengths, weaknesses, and overall character. Preparing a set of well-crafted reference check interview questions and selecting the right person to interview can help employers make the most of the process. 

Paying attention to the reference's tone and manner of speaking, in addition to their responses, can help employers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the candidate's suitability for the role and their potential within the company. To put it simply, conducting reference checks can lead to better hiring decisions, increased productivity, and a more positive work environment.

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With the wave of digital transformation and progression sweeping across the world, people become more observant and realise their priorities; employees and candidates are now more demanding about pay transparency than a few years ago. It is no longer acceptable for companies to disclose only sparse salary information to employees or candidates because pay transparency has become vital in creating a thriving and high-retention workplace. In fact, according to a survey conducted by PWC Global, Hopes and Fears 2022, 60% of employees say that pay transparency is essential as it affects their overall economic flow. 

Hence, companies will need to learn how to navigate salary transparency conversations effectively so that they will be able to attract candidates and retain current employees. 

Embrace Pay Transparency to Attract Talent

Candidates believe that there should be a law mandating employers to include salary ranges on job listings, which benefits both employers and job seekers. By practising pay transparency, employers will appear more attractive to job-seeking candidates and will be able to stay competitive. In addition to that, pay transparency will be able to help employers to address pay gap issues by discussing in detail with candidates about their pay compensation and how it progresses moving forward if candidates do join the company. 

Also, a survey conducted by Gartner revealed that 50% of employees didn’t apply for a role because the job listing didn’t include a salary range. So to increase the chances of attracting candidates to apply for roles, employers should include a salary range in their job listings, to let candidates know the salary range they should expect and the amount they can negotiate during their interview. 

Benefits of Pay Transparency

One of the benefits of practising pay transparency is pay equity. When employers are more transparent about how they will compensate the applying candidates, they’re more accountable for practising fair pay practices. Besides pay equity, there also several other benefits such as:

Attracting New Talent

According to Resume Builder, 85% of candidates will likely apply for a role in a company when the job listing includes a salary range. This is because candidates want to know if the salary range employers are offering is aligned with the expectations and responsibilities that come with the role they are applying for. This is to avoid disappointment and waste both parties' time and resources. 

Boost Productivity

An attractive compensation package is one of the major reasons for candidates to apply. Being transparent about the compensation package candidates will receive for their role early on during the recruitment process will help to screen out candidates that find the compensation package doesn’t align with their expectations. This will help recruiters to focus on more viable candidates that will increase the company’s efficiency and productivity.

Better Candidate Experience

An interview session that is transparent about salary range will increase a candidate's positive interview perception by 30%. This will improve a candidate’s view of a company and keep them engaged in the recruitment process. 

Increase Retention and Engagement

According to a survey made by Gartner, employees who perceive their pay as inequitable have a 15% lower intent to stay with their current employer. Providing transparent pay experience to both candidates and current employees will help employers to retain their talent and engage them effectively.

Drawbacks of Pay Transparency

Much like everything else in this world, there are also caveats to pay transparency stance despite the benefits it can provide. A current and recent survey shows that only 12% of companies around the world are willing to take the pay transparency stance. This is because pay transparency is a very narrow path for employers to navigate through and there are a lot of challenges to tackle, such as:

Workplace envy or resentment

When there is pay visibility provided, there is a risk to invoke jealousy or resentment to spread among a company’s employees. To avoid this, a company-wide announcement and meeting must be conducted to provide an explanation and justification for the pay decisions that were made.  This will help employees to understand why the pay decisions were made as such, thus hopefully suppressing workplace envy or resentment from continuing to spread among employees. 

Candidate Pool Reduction Due to Less Competitive Pay

When employers include a salary range that is less competitive in their job listings, may experience candidates having less interest. Resulting in fewer applications and less response rate.

Preparing Your Company For Pay Transparency

Since pay transparency comes with its own set of caveats, employers should consider preparing themselves before adopting a pay transparency stance so they can effectively tackle any issues that surface once they once have adopted pay transparency. 

Consider The Ideal Level of Pay Transparency

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to pay transparency. However, the most important thing to consider is a company’s culture and any applicable law to design pay transparency that is suitable for a company’s environment and culture. For example, measure and analyse the situation by handing out incognito surveys to gauge the suitable and comfortable amount of pay transparency level. Then design the pay transparency policy based on survey results. 

Structure and Align on a Compensation Philosophy

To effectively apply a pay transparency policy, a company needs to have a well-structured and well-aligned compensation philosophy. For example, a company needs to take into account what counts as compensation, because different companies have different understandings of what counts as compensation; some may schedule flexible and good salary range advancement, etc. And the best way to present a company’s compensation is by using a total reward statement where employees will be able to read and see a list of rewards included in the compensation that they’re entitled to. 

Pay Range Update

To continue effectively attracting new talent, companies will need to update their pay range. However, before a company updates their pay range, a company should run a pay analysis to compare the current updated pay range against its current pay range. This should allow companies to structure their pay update fairly. 

Help Company Managers and Leaders to Prepare

Adopting a pay transparency policy means there will be a lot of pay transparency conversations and questions with employees.  Companies’ managers and leaders need to be aware of what drives pay transparency demand so that they effectively address the questions during pay transparency conversations with employees and translate the conversation effectively into their reports.

Roll Out The Policy, Monitor and Adjust

Pay transparency policy has a lot of moving parts and is a complicated practice. So, it will require constant monitoring of matters such as; employees’ sentiment, pay equity, and offer acceptance rate. This way, companies can adjust and fine-tune their pay transparency policy as they progress forward.


The demand for pay transparency is increasing in today's digital age. Companies must recognize the importance of providing comprehensive salary information to both employees and candidates. Pay transparency not only helps create a thriving and high-retention workplace but also attracts top talent and maintains competitiveness. Including salary ranges in job listings is crucial to increase candidate interest and avoid wasting time and resources. Furthermore, pay transparency promotes pay equity and accountability for fair compensation practices. It also enhances the candidate experience, boosts productivity by attracting candidates genuinely interested in the compensation package, and improves retention and engagement among employees.

However, pay transparency does come with its drawbacks. Workplace envy and resentment can arise when salary information is openly shared, necessitating clear communication and justification of pay decisions to avoid negative effects on employee morale. Moreover, companies may face reduced interest from candidates if their salary ranges are less competitive. Companies need to prepare themselves before adopting a pay transparency stance, considering their organisational culture, applicable laws, and the ideal level of transparency. They should establish a well-structured compensation philosophy, update pay ranges effectively, and ensure that managers and leaders are equipped to address pay transparency conversations and questions. Regular monitoring and adjustment of the pay transparency policy are also necessary to address emerging challenges and maintain its effectiveness.

In conclusion, embracing pay transparency can lead to numerous benefits for companies, including attracting top talent, promoting pay equity, boosting productivity, enhancing the candidate experience, and increasing retention and engagement. While there are challenges and drawbacks associated with pay transparency, careful planning, implementation, and continuous monitoring can help organisations navigate this complex landscape successfully. By embracing pay transparency, companies can create a fair and transparent environment that fosters trust, attracts the right candidates, and supports long-term organisational success.

Studio shot of an unrecognizable corporate businessman using a laptop while waiting in line against a gray background.

Finding the right candidates for open job positions can be a daunting task for employers. Job boards have become a popular solution to connect with potential candidates. However, not all job boards are created equal. Some job boards are more effective than others in delivering results for employers. In this article, we will explore the top job boards that work for employers and help them find the best candidates.


GRIT is a venture-backed recruitment company that provides a unique recruitment service for employers to hire qualified talent quickly and reduce the cost to hire significantly. What sets GRIT apart from other job boards is the AI-powered Talent Platform that automatically qualifies job-ready candidates in just three days for any roles specified by employers at a fixed price of US$999. Additionally, the GRIT Talent Platform integrates with some of the most common ATS, facilitates multi-user collaboration, and provides smart scheduling options for employers to arrange interviews instantly.

In other words, an employer can enjoy impressive recruitment support at a significantly low cost (US$999) to achieve a more effective and efficient hiring process. Talk to GRIT to learn more!


SEEK Asia has a wide network of regional job boards across South East Asia and Hong Kong — JobStreet MY, JobStreet PH, JobStreet SG, JobStreet ID, JobsDB HK, and JobsDB TH; reaching 36 million active talent profiles in these regions, with more than 240,000 jobs at any given time. On top of that, SEEK Asia has also been reinvesting in its products and offerings to help both employers and job seekers in matching efficiency and effectiveness. 

One of the biggest investments from SEEK Asia is on their data capability and platform to help employers increase the chances of job ads reached and viewed by the matching talent by up to 20%.  Simply put, employers can be sure that they will be able to recruit talent that meet their company needs and requirements easily by utilising SEEK Asia's robust data capability and platform. 

Products for employers

Job ads

SEEK Asia offers multiple job posting packages that are tailored to meet different needs of employers. Instead of paying per job posting, employers purchase a set amount of credits that can be used to select the appropriate job posting package for their roles. This approach is particularly useful for employers to manage their budget effectively based on the urgency of their hiring needs.

BrandedPremiumPremium Ad Plus
Employers get to enjoy all the benefits of Lite Ads.Employers get to enjoy all the benefits of Branded Ads, plus. Employers get to enjoy all the benefits of Premium Ads.
2x more space for employers to showcase their top 3 value propositions.Will be able to enjoy the ability to prioritise candidates on both mobile and desktop devices.Employers will have access to personalised job ad writing and posting. 
Personalised image banners.Faster access to potential candidates.The ability to screen and list potential candidates. 
Wider reach.-Time efficiency by only interacting and engaging with potential candidates only. 

In addition to the job postings that come along in each of the ad packages, other features that further complement the job posting include:

Talent Search

SEEK Asia’s Talent Search has a vast database and employers can leverage this to actively search for the right candidates instead of waiting for candidates to apply for jobs. Employers will also be able to customise their search to find candidates with specific skill sets.

SiVA Recruitment Centre

Using SEEK Asia’s SiVA Recruitment Centre tool, employers will be able to take advantage of its advanced filtering capabilities; they can widen or narrow their candidates to fit hiring preferences. In addition, SiVA Recruitment also allows employers to collaborate with stakeholders throughout the selection process so that they can make quicker decisions. 

Employer Branding Services

SEEK Asia’s Employer Branding Services help employers to stand out from their competitors by effectively expanding their company’s reach through mass media and targeted media. In addition, employers will be able to track their branding campaign; find how the job market perceives them via reviews and ratings.

What differentiates SEEK Asia from other job boards?

Well-positioned and known within the Asia region as a comprehensive job search site. SEEK Asia provides a huge talent pool for employers to choose from — low skills, mid-level and high-end white collar. Allow employers to attract both local and global talent to work for their company. Extensive talent search features that allow employers to find the right talent. 


LinkedIn is a powerful professional networking platform that provides unparalleled opportunities for connecting with like-minded businesses and expanding employers’ professional talent pool. LinkedIn boasts an impressive 900 million users across 200 countries & territories in 2023, with 13 million users in Southeast Asia and 2.77 million users in Hong Kong.

Unlike other job boards, employers will have the opportunity to connect directly with potential candidates by contacting them directly via the Linkedin direct message. This allows employers to gauge and know their potential candidates at a more personal level, not just from their resume. 

In addition, employers can create a hassle-free application process using the Linkedin Easy Apply feature. And employers can share their company's latest achievements and milestones to attract and engage candidates on the Linkedin social platform. 

Products for employers

LinkedIn Recruiter

LinkedIn Recruiter is a premium tool offered by LinkedIn that provides advanced search and messaging capabilities for recruiters to find and connect with potential candidates on the platform. It allows recruiters to search for candidates based on various criteria such as job title, location, industry, and experience level, and provides access to in-depth candidate profiles, which include details such as work history, education, and skills.

LinkedIn Recruiter Lite

LinkedIn Recruiter Lite, on the other hand, is a more basic version of LinkedIn Recruiter that offers a simplified search and messaging interface. It is designed for smaller companies or individual recruiters who do not need the full range of features provided by LinkedIn Recruiter. LinkedIn Recruiter Lite still provides access to candidate profiles and messaging capabilities, but with some limitations compared to the full version of LinkedIn Recruiter.

LinkedIn Jobs

LinkedIn Jobs allows employers to post open roles and easily target, prioritise, and manage qualified candidates. LinkedIn’s algorithm helps the jobs to reach the right audiences and if that’s not enough, they also allow employers to add a budget to promote the urgent roles to increase visibility and expand reach. 

LinkedIn Talent Insights

LinkedIn can provide real-time insights to help employers make the right hiring decisions. In addition to that, it can also assist employers to find quality candidates effectively and address skill gap issues via benchmarking. This hiring tool also allows employers to create future talent pipelines using detailed snapshots and talent recommendations.

Talent Hub

LinkedIn Talent Hub is a recruiting and applicant tracking system designed for companies to streamline their hiring process. It allows recruiters and hiring managers to post job openings, manage candidate applications, and collaborate with team members all in one platform. Talent Hub also offers features such as candidate sourcing, job posting distribution, and customizable hiring workflows to help companies find and hire top talent more efficiently. Additionally, the platform integrates with other LinkedIn products like LinkedIn Recruiter and LinkedIn Learning to provide recruiters with more resources and insights to make informed hiring decisions.

What differentiates Linkedin from other job boards?

LinkedIn stands out from other job search sites for employers due to its focus on professional networking and comprehensive profiles. With a vast and diverse talent pool, employers can connect with potential candidates based on their skills and experience, and build meaningful relationships. LinkedIn profiles provide detailed information, allowing employers to gain a comprehensive understanding of candidates' professional backgrounds, skills, endorsements, and recommendations. 


Indeed is one of the job board pioneers that was founded in 2004. It boasts a massive 665 million visits globally monthly with 42.1 million visits from SEA and 1.6 million from HK, it also claims to have 200 million resumes worldwide — meaning employers will have access to a huge pool of candidates. For employers looking to fill non-executive roles quickly, Indeed may be an appealing option because though Indeed caters to all industries and experience levels, Indeed is mostly frequented by entry-level and lower-level professionals candidates rather than executive level candidates. 

Products for employers

Job Postings

It comes with free job postings but with limited reach. However, employers have the option to sponsor their job ads with a dedicated budget to get more reach. It starts at $5 a day.

Indeed Resumes

Indeed Resume Search is a tool for employers to find and connect with potential job candidates on the Indeed platform. Employers can search for resumes using various criteria, view detailed candidate profiles, and save and download resumes. The tool also offers the option to contact candidates directly through the platform, and set up alerts for new resumes that match their search criteria. 

Indeed Hiring Platform

The Indeed Hiring Platform is a comprehensive recruiting solution designed to help employers streamline their recruitment process. It offers features such as job posting, candidate sourcing, applicant tracking, and analytics to provide employers with a complete recruitment solution. The platform also integrates with other tools, such as Indeed Assessments and Indeed Instant Match, to help employers make data-driven hiring decisions and connect with qualified candidates quickly. 

What differentiates Indeed from other job boards?

Indeed is a strong option if the location and types of jobs align with what employers need. Given employers can control the costs of their job postings via sponsoring option, making it a budget-friendly choice for employers. 


Starting off as a platform to hire interns, Glints has come a long way to become a leading talent ecosystem in Southeast Asia and Taiwan. Launched in 2015 in Singapore, Glints claimed to have empowered more than 4 million talent and 50,000 organisations. Similar to Indeed, it is more commonly used by entry-level and junior-level professions but the job functions are pretty diverse, from administrative roles to engineering. 

Products for employers

Glints Recruitment

Employers will be able to enjoy the benefits of managing, tracking, and negotiating salary in one place with the Glints Recruitment tool. Through the Glints Recruitment hiring tool, employers also will be able to hire locally or remotely. The Glints Recruitment tool helps quicken the hiring process using 5 easy steps — resulting in a faster, easier and cheaper hiring process. 

Glints Managed Talent

Glints Managed Talent is a recruitment service that helps employers find and hire top talent more efficiently. The service provides a dedicated team of recruitment specialists who work with employers to understand their hiring needs and create customized recruitment strategies to attract and identify the best candidates for their roles. Glints Managed Talent offers end-to-end recruitment services, including job posting, candidate screening, interview scheduling, and offer management. The service also provides regular updates and analytics to help employers track their recruitment progress and make data-driven decisions. 

Glints JobSearch

Glints Job Search is a job posting platform for employers to post job openings and connect with potential candidates. It allows employers to create job postings and specify their requirements and job details. The platform also provides features such as candidate matching, resume screening, and communication tools to help employers streamline their recruitment process. Glints Job Search offers a range of job posting options, including free and paid options, to cater to the needs of different employers. 

What differentiates Glints from other job boards?

One major factor that differentiates Glints from other job board sites is that Glints emphasised on helping job seekers excel in their career with the launch of Glints Academy, a 12-week boot camp to train and equip young professionals with skills that are much needed and in high demand within the tech industry. 

Besides that, Glints also offer a full-stack recruitment model aside from the generic job posting option. Using the full-stack recruitment model option,  employers get to enjoy a more cost friendly recruitment service as they are utilising their vast candidate database to support the recruitment service. This makes Glints a great choice for budget-conscious employers. 

foundit (previously Monster)

Monster was first established and launched in the US in 1994 and has since rebranded as foundit in 2022. Similar to Indeed, foundit has a massive global presence where the company has been serving more than 70 million job seekers and 10,000 customers spread across 18 countries. 

Products for employers

Resume Database Access

Resume Database Access (RDA) allows employers to search and filter resumes based on various criteria such as experience, education, and skills. The database is regularly updated to ensure that employers have access to the most recent and relevant resumes. Additionally, the platform offers features such as resume shortlisting, communication tools, and resume tracking to help employers streamline their recruitment process.

Job Posting

FoundIT’s job posting provides online job posting services for regions across India, Middle East and SouthEast Asia. The platform offers various features to customise job postings and reach a wider pool of qualified candidates. The features include response management, logo with job posting, print alliance, and highlighting job postings. They are charging based on cost per job posting and they do offer a free trial for a couple of days for employers to really understand and experience foundit’s capability.

Social Job Ads

Social Job Ads from foundit is an integrated solution that maximises the reach of job postings and expands brand awareness with job seekers. It offers a potent mix of intelligent custom targeting via multi-level vehicles such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, and foundit Database. Social Job Ads provides an exclusive, automated, and intelligent targeting solution that requires a single click for recruiters to post job vacancies. It helps reach millions of passive candidates via desktop and mobile, giving visibility to the employer's brand on social media. 

Branding Solutions

foundit Branding Solutions offers a slew of branding solutions, such as Interstitial Ads, Search Results Takeover, and Targeted Mailers. Employers will be able to promote their company brand and reach their target candidates. 

What differentiates foundit from other job boards?

foundit sets itself apart from other job board sites by having dedicated categories for skills, functions, and industries. This helps to ensure a better matching of candidates to the jobs posted by employers. 

Bonus Mentions

AJobThing (Malaysia)

AJobThing based in Malaysia is a well-known recruitment enterprise that offers three distinctive recruitment platforms, namely Maukerja, Ricebowl, and Internsheeps in which each of the platforms serves different target audiences. Maukerja typically serves the Bahasa speaking audiences; Ricebowl serves the Chinese speaking audiences, and Internsheeps serves uni students who are looking for internship opportunities. Combined, they boast an impressive 1.5 million monthly visits. However, most of the roles offered are for non-executive and non-technical roles.

Besides the generic job posting and talent search functionality, AJobThing offers a bulk hiring recruitment solution called SHOUTOUT where it guarantees a certain number of candidates to show up for interviews.

MyCareersFuture (Singapore)

MyCareersFuture is a government-backed job search platform in Singapore that helps job seekers find suitable employment opportunities and employers to connect with qualified candidates. What’s interesting is that advertising on the MyCareersFuture job portal is free of charge.

MyCareersFuture boasts a massive 3.5 million candidate visits monthly, meaning employers will have access to a massive talent pool every month — quickening their recruitment process and role fulfilment. 

CTgoodjobs (Hong Kong)

CTgoodjobs is a hiring and recruitment platform in Hong Kong; a brand extension under Career Times Online Ltd — a member of the Hong Kong Economic Times Group. CTgoodjobs offers both recruitment and employer branding solutions services to employers. 

Besides the services, employers can take advantage of the huge candidate pool — over 670,000 candidates visit per month. Plus, CTgoodjobs also has a very strong social media presence on Facebook with over 328,000 followers. 

CTgoodjobs provides employers with an all-in-one recruitment tool to increase the efficiency of the recruitment process, such as talent management which allows employers to screen and find candidates that match their job requirements.   

Modern Day Recruitment

In today's competitive job market, job boards have become a crucial tool for employers in the hiring process. They provide a platform for employers to advertise their job openings and connect with potential candidates. Among the top job boards mentioned in this article, including LinkedIn, Indeed, Glints, foundit, AJobThing, and MyFutureCareersSG, employers can leverage their extensive reach and comprehensive features to effectively source and attract top talent.

These job boards offer a wide range of job opportunities across various industries, locations, and demographics, allowing employers to cast a wide net and reach a diverse pool of candidates. They also provide advanced search filters, resume databases, candidate matching, and other recruitment tools that streamline the hiring process and help employers identify the most qualified candidates efficiently. Additionally, some job boards also offer employer branding options, career advice, and networking tools that allow employers to strengthen their employer brand and engage with potential candidates.

At GRIT, we believe people look for opportunities instead of jobs in this new era of work. We focus on in-demand Digital and Technology roles, where we intelligently match outstanding talent to some of the most groundbreaking companies in the industry. Find us doing what we do best globally at our offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Germany.
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